Welcome to Victory
Victory Lutheran Church is a group of Christians who come from a wide variety of backgrounds and are a family in Christ.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the true Savior of all people. By his perfect life, innocent death, and triumphant resurrection, he saves all lost sinners. Our forgiveness from God and victory through Jesus Christ is completely free!
We learn this from the Bible, God's perfect Holy Word.
We are a member of the Wisconsin Evangelical Synod (WELS).
Our Beliefs
We believe that the Bible is the true, inspired Word of God that is without error.
Our beliefs come from God’s Word. Through God’s Word, the Holy Spirit has worked faith in us to believe His truths.
We believe that God is Triune - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
By nature, all people deserve God’s punishment because we are not perfect, and God demands perfection. But God wants all people to be saved!
We praise God for His underserved love, or grace, as he sent His Son Jesus Christ into the world to save us!
We believe that Jesus is both the Son of God and a human being, born of a virgin. Jesus lived a perfect life for us, died on the cross for us, and rose back to life so that we will have eternal life with Him!
Thanks be to God, who has forgiven us all of our sins and given us victory through Jesus Christ our Savior!
For more information on our beliefs and what we teach, please visit What We Believe at the WELS’ website.